Today, the Domaine de Magalanne comprises 30 hectares of vines classified Côtes du Rhône, Côtes du Rhône Villages and Côtes du Rhône Villages Signargues.

The domain is spread over five different municipalities:

Domazan – Estézargues – Montfrin – Théziers – Saze

History of the Domain

The property has belonged to the Betton family for more than 10 generations and initially a variety of crops were grown – vines of course, but also vegetables, fruits and even the madder plant which was notably used to dye the trousers of our soldiers in 1914. The famous madder red, very discreet and very sober!

The Domain is named

In 1971 Gilbert Betton gave the estate the name Domaine de Magalanne in honour of his daughters Magali and Anne-Marie.

100% Wine grower

Following the Côtes du Rhône classification of all the vine parcels in 1985, Gilbert gave up mixed crop farming (apricots, cherries, …), very expensive in terms of labour and not very profitable, to concentrate solely on wine-making.

André Crouzet

When Gilbert Betton retired in 1988, his son-in-law André Crouzet took over the estate. André Crouzet ran the estate alone until 2004 when Jean-Baptiste, having recently completed his business studies, joined him.

Jean-Baptiste and Julien

When André retired in 2006, Jean-Baptiste took over the reins of the domain until his brother Julien came into partnership with him in 2010, bringing with him his professional experience as a wine merchant in one of the department’s wine-growers’ cooperatives. They have been presiding over the destiny of the estate ever since!

Our parcels

Respect for the terroir

The concept of sustainable development is at the heart of everything we do on the estate. We practise sustainable farming throughout the vineyard and cover crops are used on almost all of the vines. We are therefore able to avoid the overuse of phytosanitary products and weed killers.


Work in the vineyard

Tillage practices are very important in bringing out the terroir’s characteristics in our wines, whether it be a Côtes du Rhône or a Côtes du Rhône Villages.

A wine is conceived not just during the fermentation process, but throughout the year with pruning in winter, tillage, leaf thinning and the use of cover crops.


In our quest to produce a quality product for our customers, we are committed to using integrated pest management techniques to protect the vine, thereby limiting the use of phytosanitary products. Benefitting from a dry climate and a benevolent mistral wind over our parcels, our terroirs are protected from the risk of disease. Ours wines are therefore the fruit of work and daily observation, from the vine to the cellar.

The Domaine de Magalanne is a member of the Independent Winemakers of France and is present at wine fairs so that you can come and discover our latest wines.



Independent Winemaker

431 Route de Signargues, 30390 Domazan
Tel : 06 67 41 65 21 – Email :

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